woensdag 5 september 2012

Save your Marriage

Save Your MarriageAll marriages reach a point where the people involved are frustrated with one another, or where you look at the person you chose to spend the rest of your life with and wonder what you were thinking. But don't fret, there is a way to get yourself out of that rut and back into the love you once shared.

Let Me Tell You About Kelly and Greg...
When I first met Kelly, she and her husband, Greg, were literally driving to the attorney's office to sign their divorce papers when they decided to stop at my office!
They were ready to end their marriage of 14 years.

For some time. . . years actually. . . neither had been happy. There had been attempts to change, but things always fell apart.

It had been years since either Kelly or Greg felt good about their relationship.
In fact, for some time, they had stayed together just for the kids.
Does this sound familiar to you?
There was much sleeping on the couch and in the spare bedroom.
They were constantly battling over the smallest issue -- which only led to bigger issues.
Threats and yelling were an almost everyday thing.

They both desperately wanted to be accepted and loved, but neither felt it. The more each tried, it seemed the further they moved apart.

They had tried therapy, self-help books, seminars. But nothing seemed to make a difference.
It seemed as if they were stuck in a vicious cycle. They knew they needed to change things in their relationship...but they just didn't know how.
I'm not going to try and convince you that I was able to undo years of fighting, struggling and disappointment in a day. But, with what they learned in my office that day, they decided to put their impending divorce "on hold."
  • There were no angry arguments that went nowhere.
  • There was no "living like roommates" or sleeping on the couch.
  • There was no more name-calling or tearing-down of each other.
  • Their, previously sexless, marriage saw sparks of true pleasure and intimacy again.
Last week, Kelly called to
invite me to their anniversary
and "re-commitment" ceremony!
Most marriage therapists are not trained to be marriage counselors.
They receive their training in traditional, individual therapy, and add marital counseling to their practice... after the fact.
In other words, most marriage therapists have little expertise in helping a troubled marriage.
And, when they do offer marital counseling, they are, usually, applying outdated, ineffective strategies that were never intended to help truly troubled marriages.
This is why the best marriage counselors see a success rate of only 20%. . . if a medical procedure was that risky. . .
it would be outlawed!

Together, through the Save The Marriage System , we can save your marriage!
Save The Marriage will give you an understanding of what happened to your marriage, how to save it, and how to start creating the marriage of your dreams.
You will benefit from my, nearly, twenty years of working with clients, in person, and literally, thousands of couples in various settings.

Don't expect hundreds of pages that just reiterate what everyone else has already said.
Instead, I have made the ideas and information readable and easily understood. No "psycho -babble" here, just the facts, ideas, and actions you need to save your marriage. I will tell you what went wrong, what to do to change it, and how to do it.

Starting tonight. . . in fact, in the next 10 minutes, you can start saving your marriage and moving toward the marriage relationship you always dreamed about.

Can you imagine how wonderful it feel to, finally, eliminate the fear, anxiety and stress that currently envelopes you. . . and replace it with feelings of love, joy and contentment?

You don’t have to imagine it. . . because, with the secrets and strategies you will find with the Save The Marriage System, you will be solidly on the path from marital frustration to marital bliss!

This powerful Save The Marriage System has several modules, all working together to help you save your marriage, from beginning to end.  Each builds on the other!
HONESTe Online Member Seal Click to verify - Before you buy!  
Because this system is only offered in an electronic, downloadable format, you can begin your journey of marital happiness and fulfillment immediately. . . even if it's 2 AM in the morning! Plus, you never have to worry about facing the lady at the register in the book store. Your purchase is in total privacy and your personal copy of this powerful system will be downloaded to your computer in less than 2 minutes!
And, because you don't have to pay for printing or shipping, I can charge you significantly less than I would for a "hard copy" version of this system.
But you need to ACT NOW!

donderdag 9 augustus 2012

How To Discover If Your Partner Is Having An Affair

If you suspect that your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you, your relationship is probably on thin ice. But you don't want to confront him without having any evidence of an affair. What can you do? Here are some things you can do to find out if your hunch is correct.

By The Time You've Read This Page You Will Know Exactly What Next Steps To Take To Answer The Following Burning Questions Within 48 Hours...

First, I want you to realize that all of the following negative thoughts and emotions will evaporate out of your life forever after reading this page:
  • No more doubt.
  • No more distressing thoughts of your mate kissing, fondling, and making love to somebody else.
  • No more unsubstantiated clues that  always seem to “hint” at the truth, but never quite spell it out in clear, understandable details.
  • No more deceit, excuses, lies and “half-truths,”
  • No more loss of appetite or concentration
  • No more being made to feel that you’re “unattractive, pathetic, disgusting or a terrible lover”
  • No more sleepless nights over-ridden by worry, jealousy, rage and depression, wondering where your partner is, with whom, and doing what?
  • No more worrying about the added risk of sexually transmitted diseases brought about by your lover's affair.
  • No more “cold shoulder” attitude in the bedroom.
  • No more “Emotional Abuse” and “Mind Games” that get played out while cheaters deal with their own self created insanity, insecurity and instability, trying to cover up the facts and guilt for the pain and destruction that they subconsciously know they are responsible for...